Eamon CS Runtime (EamonRT) 3.0.0
Copyright (c) 2014+ by Michael Penner.  All rights reserved.
This MIT Licensed free software has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


Loading datafile [EAMONCFG.DAT] ... read 1 record.


Loading datafile [SAVEGAME.DAT] ... read 3 records.
Loading datafile [FRESHMEAT.DAT] ... read 1 record.
Loading datafile [MODULE.DAT] ... read 1 record.
Loading datafile [ROOMS.DAT] ... read 10 records.
Loading datafile [ARTIFACTS.DAT] ... read 47 records.
Loading datafile [EFFECTS.DAT] ... read 27 records.
Loading datafile [MONSTERS.DAT] ... read 4 records.
Loading datafile [HINTS.DAT] ... read 0 records.
Loading datafile [GAMESTATE.DAT] ... read 0 records.


Welcome back to Test Adventure!

Would you like to see the introduction story again (Y/N) [N]: N


                               Test Adventure

                              By Michael Penner


Press any key to continue:


Please wait a short while (waking up the monsters...)


[Base Program 3.0.0]

Welcome to the Eamon CS fantasy gaming system!


[Grassy Plain]
You are standing in the middle of a grassy plain, looking out to the horizon.
The wind whips the shoulder-high grasses into a hypnotic rhythm and the sun
shines down from the blue sky above.  An overgrown path leads southward.  Off
in the distance, you see majestic mountains rise, their peaks glistening white
spires that jut upward from the low valley.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

[The Rings of Zylo]
You see the golden Rings of Zylo, impossibly interlocked in a way that defies
the laws of physics.

> ex

Examine who or what? rings

You see the golden Rings of Zylo, impossibly interlocked in a way that defies
the laws of physics.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> get them, then open my pack and put them in it; close the pack then wear it

The Rings of Zylo are too heavy.

You see a rugged backpack here, specially built and suited to the needs of
adventurers like yourself.  The name of the owner is stitched into it.

Mountain backpack opened.

There's nothing inside the mountain backpack.

[Taking them first.]

The Rings of Zylo are too heavy.

Mountain backpack closed.

Mountain backpack worn.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> look

[Grassy Plain]
You are standing in the middle of a grassy plain, looking out to the horizon.
The wind whips the shoulder-high grasses into a hypnotic rhythm and the sun
shines down from the blue sky above.  An overgrown path leads southward.  Off
in the distance, you see majestic mountains rise, their peaks glistening white
spires that jut upward from the low valley.  You also notice the Rings of
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> ex the mountains

The mountains reach out to touch the sky, beautiful spire-like peaks.  They
are snow covered year round.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> att them

Why would you attack the majestic mountains?

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> take them

You can't get them.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> inv

You are wearing a mountain backpack, some leather armor, and a shield.

You are carrying a bulls-eye lantern, an axe, a sword (ready weapon), a spear,
and 322 gold pieces.

You are in perfect health.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> remove and open pack

Remove who or what? pack

Mountain backpack removed.

Mountain backpack opened.

There's nothing inside the mountain backpack.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> put my axe, sword and lantern inside it, then close and wear it



You see a bulls-eye lantern here.  It is rusty but still functional.


Close who or what?   that pack!

Mountain backpack closed.

Mountain backpack worn.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> remove it and drop it

Mountain backpack removed.

Mountain backpack dropped.

[Grassy Plain]
You see your mountain backpack and the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> get the rings, examine them, then open the pack and put them inside it

Rings of Zylo taken.

You see the golden Rings of Zylo, impossibly interlocked in a way that defies
the laws of physics.

Mountain backpack opened.

Inside your mountain backpack, you see a bulls-eye lantern, your axe, and your


[Grassy Plain]
You see your mountain backpack with some stuff inside it.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> close it and wear it

Mountain backpack closed.

[Taking it first.]

Your mountain backpack is too heavy.

[Grassy Plain]
You see your mountain backpack.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> open pack, remove rings and sword, drop them, close the pack, also wear it

Mountain backpack opened.

Inside your mountain backpack, you see the Rings of Zylo, a bulls-eye lantern,
your axe, and your sword.

From what? the pack

Rings of Zylo retrieved.

From what? it

Sword retrieved.

Sword readied.

Rings of Zylo dropped.

Mountain backpack closed.

[Taking it first.]

Mountain backpack taken.

Mountain backpack worn.

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> say "Notice that DROP them in this case only dropped the Rings, not the Rings
and sword.  You can enable ShowPronounChanges to see why that happened."

Okay, "Notice that DROP them in this case only dropped the Rings, not the
Rings and sword. You can enable ShowPronounChanges to see why that happened."

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> att rings, status, west

{Discarding:  "status".}

{Discarding:  "west".}

Why would you attack the Rings of Zylo?

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> status, west

{Discarding:  "west".}

HELLION IRONHEART                   Gender: Male     Damage Taken: 0/10

Intellect:  14     (Learning: +2%)    Agility :  17
Hardiness:  10                        Charisma:  15   (Charm Mon: +10%)

Weapon Abilities:                       Spell Abilities:
 Axe  :   5%                             Blast:   0% / 0%
 Bow  : -10%                             Heal :   0% / 0%
 Club :  20%                             Speed:   0% / 0%
 Spear:  10%                             Power:   0% / 0%
 Sword:   0%

Gold: 322                           In bank: 0

Armor:  Leather & Shield             Armor Expertise:  0%

Weight carried: 95/100 Gronds (One Grond = Ten DOS)

[Grassy Plain]
You see the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> west, remove armor and shield

{Discarding:  "remove armor , shield".}

[Rolling Hills]
You are walking through a series of low, rolling hills to the west of a grass-
covered plain.  The splintered rock covering the ground and lack of trails to
follow make your footing uncertain.  To the immediate west, you notice a cave
Obvious paths:  east and west.

[A rotting tree stump]
You see a rotting tree stump here, its roots giving way to the elements.
There appears to be a gap under the stump, perhaps large enough to fit
something in.

> remove my armor then my shield, put them on the stump

Leather armor removed.

Shield removed.



[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> set showpronounchanges true

Settings changed.

[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> set showfulfillmessages true

Settings changed.

[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> look under the stump and on the stump

{Changing them:  "stump , stump".}

{Fulfilling:  "look under stump".}

{Changing it:  "stump".}

Under the rotting tree stump, you see a jewelry box.

{Fulfilling:  "look under stump".}

Under the rotting tree stump, you see a jewelry box.

[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> look under the stump and look on the stump

{Fulfilling:  "look under stump".}

Under the rotting tree stump, you see a jewelry box.

{Fulfilling:  "look on stump".}

On the rotting tree stump, you see a flashlight, your leather armor, and your

[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> light flashlight

{Fulfilling:  "light flashlight".}

{Changing it:  "flashlight".}

[Removing it first.]

Flashlight retrieved.

You see a sturdy black flashlight here, seemingly out of place in the current

You light the flashlight.

[Rolling Hills]
You see a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> w

{Fulfilling:  "w".}

{Changing it:  "".}

{Changing them:  "".}

[Spooky Cavern]
You are standing in the center of a dark, spooky cavern.  The roof of the cave
rises out of sight, and a thick layer of dust coats the floor.  It is quite
apparent that nobody has visited this site in a long time.
Obvious exits:  east and southwest.

A human warrior stands before you, armed with a broadsword and carrying a
shield.  On his shield is a sticker which says, "Hi, I'm Helfrick!"

[A torch sconce]
You see a torch sconce bolted to the wall of the cave.

[A small irregular firepit]
You see a small irregular firepit in the center of the chamber.  It is
surrounded by stones haphazardly stacked to prevent spillover.

[A bronze key]
You see a bronze key with an ornate handle.

[A dusty tome]
You see a dusty old tome here.  Its cover appears cut from the finest leather;
its pages are finely gilded paper.

> smile

{Fulfilling:  "smile".}

Helfrick smiles at you.

[Spooky Cavern]
You see Helfrick, a torch sconce, a small irregular firepit, a bronze key, and
a dusty tome.
Obvious exits:  east and southwest.

> inv hel

{Fulfilling:  "inv hel".}

{Changing him:  "hel".}

Helfrick is carrying a green glass broadsword with an intricately forged hilt
(ready weapon) and some beef jerky.

Helfrick is in perfect health.

[Spooky Cavern]
You see Helfrick, a torch sconce, a small irregular firepit, a bronze key, and
a dusty tome.
Obvious exits:  east and southwest.

> req from him and give key

{Fulfilling:  "req from hel".}

Request who or what? the broadsword

{Changing it:  "broadsword".}

Green glass broadsword received.

You see a finely honed broadsword made of green glass, a rare volcanic
material found in the southern regions of the Horn Belt.

{Fulfilling:  "give key".}

To whom? him

{Changing it:  "key".}

[Taking it first.]

Bronze key taken.

You give the bronze key to Helfrick.

[Spooky Cavern]
You see Helfrick, a torch sconce, a small irregular firepit, and a dusty tome.
Obvious exits:  east and southwest.

> sw

{Fulfilling:  "sw".}

{Changing him:  "".}

{Changing it:  "".}

[Side Vault]
You are standing in a side vault hewn out of solid rock.  The dust on the
floor is thick and undisturbed, and every corner of the room is sheathed in
thick cobwebs.  The air smells of antiquity and death.  You also see Helfrick.
Obvious exits:  west and northeast.

[An iron-bound chest]
An iron-bound chest, its flat top attached with sturdy hinges, sits to the
side of the room, seemingly abandoned.  You notice there is a gap between the
back of the chest and the wall.

[An old oak cabinet]
You see an old oak cabinet which has been padlocked.  It features sturdy
construction but you may still be able to breach it if you really try.

[A prismatic cube]
You see a glimmering prismatic cube, a magical container that floats in mid-

[A suit of plate armor]
You see a rusty suit of plate armor emblazoned with a fancy insignia here.

> look behind the chest, req key from hel and open chest; remove ruby

{Fulfilling:  "look behind chest".}

{Changing it:  "chest".}

Behind the iron-bound chest, you see a deep blue sapphire.

{Fulfilling:  "req key from hel".}

{Changing him:  "hel".}

{Changing it:  "key".}

Bronze key received.

{Fulfilling:  "open chest".}

{Changing it:  "chest".}

You open it with the bronze key.

Inside the iron-bound chest, you see a deep red ruby.

{Fulfilling:  "remove ruby".}

From what? chest

{Changing it:  "ruby".}

Deep red ruby retrieved.

You see a fist sized pigeon-blood red ruby, a truly dazzling gemstone.

[Side Vault]
You see Helfrick, an iron-bound chest, an old oak cabinet leaning against the
north wall, a prismatic cube that shimmers and pulses in a hypnotic display,
and a suit of plate armor.
Obvious exits:  west and northeast.

> ne

{Fulfilling:  "ne".}

{Changing him:  "".}

{Changing it:  "".}

[Spooky Cavern]
You see Helfrick, a torch sconce, a small irregular firepit, and a dusty tome.
Obvious exits:  east and southwest.

> e

{Fulfilling:  "e".}

It's not dark here.  Extinguish the flashlight (Y/N): Y

[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick and a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> inv

{Fulfilling:  "inv".}

You are wearing a mountain backpack.

You are carrying a green glass broadsword with an intricately forged hilt, a
flashlight, a bronze key, a deep red ruby that glows with an inner fire, a
sword (ready weapon), a spear, and 322 gold pieces.

You are in perfect health.

[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick and a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> drop light, key and spear

{Changing them:  "light , key , spear".}

{Fulfilling:  "drop light".}

{Changing it:  "light".}

Flashlight dropped.

Helfrick picks up the flashlight.

Helfrick readies a flashlight.

{Fulfilling:  "drop key".}

{Changing it:  "key".}

Bronze key dropped.

{Fulfilling:  "drop spear".}

{Changing it:  "spear".}

Spear dropped.

[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick, a bronze key, a rotting tree stump with some stuff on it,
and your spear.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> remove from on top of and wear them

{Fulfilling:  "remove from on top of".}

Remove who or what? my armor, and my shield

{Changing them:  "armor , shield".}

{Fulfilling:  "remove armor from on top of".}

From on what? the stump

{Changing it:  "stump".}

{Changing it:  "armor".}

Leather armor retrieved.

{Fulfilling:  "remove shield from on top of".}

From on what? that stump

{Changing it:  "stump".}

{Changing it:  "shield".}

Shield retrieved.

{Fulfilling:  "wear armor".}

{Changing it:  "armor".}

Leather armor worn.

{Fulfilling:  "wear shield".}

{Changing it:  "shield".}

Shield worn.

[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick, a bronze key, a rotting tree stump, and your spear.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> put the broadsword on the stump

{Fulfilling:  "put broadsword on stump".}

{Changing it:  "stump".}

{Changing it:  "broadsword".}


[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick, a bronze key, a rotting tree stump with a green glass
broadsword on it, and your spear.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> get key

{Fulfilling:  "get key".}

{Changing it:  "key".}

Bronze key taken.

[Rolling Hills]
You see Helfrick, a rotting tree stump with a green glass broadsword on it,
and your spear.
Obvious paths:  east and west.

> e

{Fulfilling:  "e".}

{Changing it:  "".}

{Changing them:  "".}

[Grassy Plain]
You see Helfrick and the Rings of Zylo.
Obvious paths:  west and northeast.

> ex the path and then go along it

{Fulfilling:  "ex path".}

{Changing it:  "path".}

You notice a grassy, wildly overgrown path leading off to the south.

{Fulfilling:  "go along path".}

{Changing it:  "".}

[Wild Grasslands]
You are walking along a path that cuts through the grasslands at the foot of
the Wyveryn mountains to the south.  The area is littered with boulders and
stunted trees, approximately shoulder height.  You feel like you're in the
middle of nowhere.  You also see Helfrick.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

[Four kobolds]
You see some small, malformed humanoids with ruddy skin and yellow cat-eyes.
The creatures are unusually quick and nimble.

[A wooden signpost]
You see a wooden signpost planted firmly in the ground nearby.  It is worn and
weather beaten, obviously quite old.

[A caged wolverine]
You see a large black wolverine trapped in a cage here.  It has sharp teeth
and long claws, and looks none too happy.

> inv kobolds and helfrick

{Changing them:  "kobolds , helfrick".}

{Fulfilling:  "inv kobolds".}

{Changing them:  "kobolds".}

They are carrying among them a small hatchet (ready weapon), a loaf of bread,
a stiletto, and a cudgel.

They are in perfect health.

{Fulfilling:  "inv helfrick".}

{Changing him:  "helfrick".}

Helfrick is carrying a flashlight (ready weapon) and some beef jerky.

Helfrick is in perfect health.

[Wild Grasslands]
You see four kobolds, Helfrick, a wooden signpost, and a caged wolverine.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

> req bread from them and give it to him, then req jerky from him and give it to

{Fulfilling:  "req bread from kobolds".}

{Changing it:  "bread".}

Loaf of bread received.

You see a tasty-looking loaf of bread here.

{Fulfilling:  "give bread to helfrick".}

You give the loaf of bread to Helfrick.

Helfrick takes a bite and hands it back.

Helfrick is hurting.

{Fulfilling:  "req jerky from helfrick".}

{Changing it:  "jerky".}

Beef jerky received.

You see a thick strip of premium grade beef jerky here.

{Fulfilling:  "give jerky to kobolds".}

You give the beef jerky to the four kobolds.

A kobold takes a bite and hands it back.

[Wild Grasslands]
You see four kobolds, Helfrick, a wooden signpost, and a caged wolverine.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

> free the wolverine and attack it, then attack it, and attack it

{Fulfilling:  "free wolverine".}

{Changing it:  "wolverine".}

You free the wolverine with the bronze key.

A kobold chops at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

The kobold swings at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

A kobold stabs at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
  Blow bounces off armor!

The kobold lunges at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
  Blow bounces off armor!

A kobold swings at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is hurting.

The kobold swings at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

A kobold tears at the wolverine.
 +++ A critical hit!
The wolverine is hurting.

The kobold claws at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is hurting.

Helfrick swings at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

The wolverine claws at you.
 --- Parried!

The wolverine claws at you.
 --- Parried!

The wolverine lunges at you.
 --- Missed!

{Fulfilling:  "attack wolverine".}

You stab at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

A kobold swings at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is in pain.

The kobold chops at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

A kobold lunges at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

The kobold lunges at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

A kobold swings at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

The kobold swings at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is in pain.

A kobold tears at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is badly injured.

The kobold lunges at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

Helfrick swings at the wolverine.
 --- Missed!

The wolverine tears at a kobold.
 +++ A hit!
The kobold is in pain.

The wolverine lunges at a kobold.
 +++ A critical hit!
The kobold is dead!

The wolverine lunges at Helfrick.
 --- Missed!

{Fulfilling:  "attack wolverine".}

You swing at the wolverine.
 +++ A hit!
The wolverine is dead!

Your Sword ability increases!

Your armor expertise increases!

{Fulfilling:  "attack wolverine".}

You see a dead wolverine here, beaten and bloodied.

Wham!  You hit the dead wolverine!

You hack it to bits!

[Wild Grasslands]
You see three kobolds, Helfrick, and a wooden signpost.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

> drop key

{Fulfilling:  "drop key".}

{Changing it:  "key".}

Bronze key dropped.

[Wild Grasslands]
You see three kobolds, Helfrick, a wooden signpost, and a bronze key.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

> ex

{Fulfilling:  "ex".}

Examine who or what? them, signpost, him and it

{Changing them:  "kobolds , signpost , helfrick , key".}

{Fulfilling:  "ex kobolds".}

{Changing them:  "kobolds".}

You see some small, malformed humanoids with ruddy skin and yellow cat-eyes.
The creatures are unusually quick and nimble.

They are in perfect health.

{Fulfilling:  "ex signpost".}

{Changing it:  "signpost".}

You see a wooden signpost planted firmly in the ground nearby.  It is worn and
weather beaten, obviously quite old.

{Fulfilling:  "ex helfrick".}

A human warrior stands before you, armed with a broadsword and carrying a
shield.  On his shield is a sticker which says, "Hi, I'm Helfrick!"

Helfrick is hurting.

{Fulfilling:  "ex key".}

{Changing it:  "key".}

You see a bronze key with an ornate handle.

[Wild Grasslands]
You see three kobolds, Helfrick, a wooden signpost, and a bronze key.
Obvious paths:  north and southeast.

> quit hall

{Fulfilling:  "quit hall".}

Return to the Main Hall (Y/N): Y